Men's Counseling

Men’s Counseling

Feeling discouraged? Stuck? Struggling to connect in your relationships? Does anxiety or anger show up too often in your life? Perhaps you’ve told yourself to get serious about that growing porn habit, but you’re not having success on your own? Maybe you feel a lack of significance or purpose? Do you feel disconnected from God and from yourself?Men's Counseling

Let me help you discover the healing path!

I’ve been helping folks grow and heal since the mid-eighties! And I have my own story of failure and redemption which fuels greater empathy, richer insight and more power than my degrees and years of clinical experience could ever provide. I have experienced the growth and healing that comes from facing myself and trusting God. So, come along, I know the way.

Mark McCarthy
P.S. See our FAQ to learn more.

Client Testimonial

“I was in a desperate place in my life. God intervened and brought Mark into my life. With his help, I dealt with my guilt and shame which enabled me to find new freedom, hope, joy, peace and a greater ability to love.”  Jeff C, Columbus, OH

Click here to see more testimonials from satisfied clients.

60-minute sessions are only $140, while a 90-minute session is $200. Package of 5 60-minute sessions is $600. That’s a 15% DISCOUNT!!

FREE initial phone consultation. See our FAQ to learn more.

Contact Mark